Poems, Featured Michael Colvin Poems, Featured Michael Colvin


It’s a prime number,
after all. A product only
of itself

and solitude,
natural and indivisible without

and greater than

then, given the amount of
it took to get us here. Division,

too—purposely, cynically
sowed for individual
gain by those and

to those of the prime
conviction that there is
no number
greater than one…

It’s a prime number,
after all. A product only
of itself

and solitude,
natural and indivisible without

and greater than

then, given the amount of
it took to get us here. Division,

too—purposely, cynically
sowed for individual
gain by those and

to those of the prime
conviction that there is
no number
greater than one.


it’s a long time, tallied in
months. Longer still when you know
it didn’t need to be

so protracted—the most meager of
efforts, of
care and diligence
all that was required to metamorphose

what is

into what could have
been. Should have been. Seventeen
months so easily narrowed to seventeen
weeks. Days, even. If only.


But there are so few in this particular
brood—such insufficient colony of
those with the patience and sense, the
willingness to do
what is right even at their most
minimal expense and

seventeen months:

mimeographed days
bleeding and smudging into each other with
indigo blur and hollowed
purpose, one maybe

a slightly altered facsimile of another, but not
enough to matter. Not enough
to give it a different scientific
name. Months spent

burrowed underground,
nymphal and removed
from life above as you knew it, bent on doing
your small part to save a species
mostly not worth saving and
bent on accelerating

its own inevitable extinction
while believing in nothing so faithfully

as its own immortality.
Seventeen months
before you would tentatively
emerge from
the chrysalis of principle
and caution

—reason, too, if that still exists—and stretch
your hyaline,
atrophied wings. A second dose of
innoculative sap
was far enough removed by then

to reach its full efficacy, rendering you
to feed the viral predator, infect
others, shorten

life spans. Something instinctual and
told you it was time—all
the waiting
building to this climactic moment as
you crept into the

daylight, red eyes
slow to adjust, feeling
your skin soften and shedding
the membranous
shell of responsibility
and restraint. There were,

after all,
things you’d missed—the warm
embrace of a favorite bar, the
favored bar of a
warm embrace, a road trip

to see a band for the tenth time,
arriving in a new town with ears
still ringing from the
buckling tymbals of a
reverberant stereo sonorous

enough to be heard over the open
window highway din—arriving
with anticipation more
fevered than your own

sunburnt left arm. It took no time at all for
the mask that had
morphed into a part of
your own biology to be easily

sloughed and forgotten, those
seventeen months vanishing
instantly, a
dream that fades faster the
harder you try to remember
as you wake. The caution, also—

the care and distancing and self-control all
were soon molted and blew away, carried

on the wind, suspended as aerosols
too microscopic to perceive and too
intangible to fear, but
still there

whether you believed in them
or not. It felt good—

frighteningly so—to return
to places so a part of yourself that
seventeen months felt like
just yesterday—
to feel your soul adjust to the

long-deferred familiarity of
the world outside, letting
the sun warm your form, your
antennae processing the sensory
overload of the swarm’s call, finding
your vocal cords again,

how to have a conversation,
how to sing your genus’ ancient song. It
scared you to see

how easy
it was to not care—to understand

for a moment how most had been
these seventeen months while
you remained
dormant—to feel

how normal reckless could feel and how
quickly rationalization could
take hold. An invisible
enemy is too easily ignored, impalpable
dangers too quickly
forgotten, and the lure of

with others of your
species too strong. Or at least

it was. Before.

They say solitary
confinement changes
a person, and
while that likely is true, it may

not always be for the most manifest of
reasons—the isolation providing
as much as madness—a forced break from
routine and habit, an
opportunity to observe the

behavior of others, your revulsion
and disappointment at
their choices as responsible for your
Kafkaesque transformation
as anything else. You were

no longer the same
person—and yet—perhaps
more you than
ever before, having
stuck to your principles, unbending

to pressure and persuasion, unyielding
to the ridicule from those who
call themselves friends—the

isolation of derision and
loneliness of perspicacity far

worse than that
of quarantine—but

not enough for you to become
someone you are
not, begging the dispiriting
question: did this scourge devolve
other broods into
something other than themselves, or

is this who they
were all along?

Most were not
like you, that much is certain—
most had emerged from their
underground chambers as
soon as the restrictions
were lifted, oblivious

to the reality that these official
decrees were made not with
health and safety
in mind—driven instead
by political,

irrational justifications which
needlessly prolonged the
curse. Others had never
heeded the mandates in the
first place, never

bothered to stop living
life as normal or do the
bare minimum
for others, chirping
endlessly about their

while infringing on
everyone else’s.

You watched in horror and anger, and in
despondency for your world as
the others couldn’t or
wouldn’t wait—flooding
out of their mud turrets, they
took to the trees,

in large groups and making
blinded by a sudden
of their own short

by misinformation, disinformation,
pseudo-science and conspiracy,
regurgitating the lobotomizing tissue
they’d sucked from
whatever xylem would feed them

what they wanted to hear:

justification for the behavior
they’d already decided
was permissible and justified,
talking endlessly about it to make
themselves feel at peace
with their choices. The sound

of their bullshit was
deafening at times—a cacophony
of willful ignorance and self-deception—
the consensus that
the threat was over

because they wanted it to be,

a herd immunity to empathy, responsibility,
and reality—not
noticing or caring about the
hundreds of thousands of
accumulating on the ground
below them—two hundred times

those lost in the tragedy we were
constantly scolded to “Never

yet piled here in mass
graves, stacked like cord wood
in refrigerated trucks, littering the
base of the tree of our indifference,
the forgotten loam from which to sow
more suffering. Jokes were

made about biblical signs—checking
the tic boxes of
first disease,
then locusts, speculation of
amphibious meteorology next—but,

the sacred text revered and misinterpreted
by so many
failed to teach that there is
no greater plague
than the virulent combination of
stupidity and

Seventeen months:

a long time to go without cutting
your hair, let alone letting
it down and freeing
yourself from worry and
accountability. Yet, somehow

also a fleeting span, since time means
nothing now and humanity
means less. It’s possible—likely,
in fact—that seventeen more
will pass before

we see this blight truly
lifted, if it ever is at all, leaving
unfathomable but largely unnoticed
extermination in its wake. And when

this chapter ends, it will instantly be
torn from the tomes of our
collective history and
discarded as though it
never happened—remembered only as

one more lie “they” want you to
believe—no lessons to be
learned, no improvements made
to what we’d labeled
“normal”—no shakeup of

the status quo for
the good of the species or the
acceptance and assistance of
other broods in dire need—we will
go on, as most did already—with
a life the way it was—
the way it has always been—
a life where

numbers greater than one
don’t exist.

Seventeen months

was far too long but
not long enough
to overcome predation unacknowledged
by most,
to persuade those so fixated on the
economy that there can be
no economy while the plague remains,
to debunk the constant firehose of
lies and bad-faith appeals to
to summon the better angels
from their lofted branches—

it was only long enough to
accumulate death tolls so
staggering as to be
surreal, and therefore
resulting in a dearth of common register and fading
into the wallpaper—forgotten
as quickly as the threat was and
will be.

Still, you will not forget. You could not even
if you tried and even as the world
around you tries to
make you. This
terrific truth remains
forever seared onto your recall, a

memento mori superfluum, inoculating you
against hope
and mutating your psyche into
a supervariant resistant to trust. You will

Never Forget

the way other broods responded when
tested, or how even those close
to you, respected and highly regarded,
gave you reason to think so achingly
less of them. Any illusions

you might’ve had about who
people are
at their core
have now disappeared as swiftly

as the millions of their brethren
they helped wipe from the earth.

You can be thankful, at least, for
your forethought and caution. For as you
emerged from isolation, you took care
to leave your shell
intact and delicately attached to a
low-hanging limb near the
burrow you’d occupied in those
long, pupal days—a complete

exoskeleton ready to again
accept your thoraxial form and
offer safe harbor. You will be glad for its
protection—not from pandemics or
disease—not from new strains of
deleterious infection, but from
the viral spread of our species’ own
futility and self-

as you retreat
once more


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Parodies, Poems Michael Colvin Parodies, Poems Michael Colvin

How the ‘vid Stole Christmas

Every Who down in Whoville intermingled a lot
But the Virus now meant all in Whoville could NOT.

An old friend of mine issued me several quick-writing challenges during the first year of covid. This time it was to do a covid version of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”…

Every Who down in Whoville intermingled a lot
But the Virus now meant all in Whoville could NOT.

With the COVID around, leaving your house was treason.
This was bigger than sniffles or allergy season.

It could be you’d get it and cough through the night.
It could be, perhaps, that you’d die from this blight.

But I think that most likely danger of all,
Was you’d heighten the curve ‘cuz you went to the mall.

Whatever the outcome, the cough or the curve,
It infected all Whos with its bent to unnerve.

And the President’s briefings just made it all worse
Since he might know the truth, but he’d say the reverse.

Whos needed good info, and a strong plan beside it,
But they sure as hell couldn’t trust Trump to provide it.

“It’ll be gone in April” he misinformed with a sneer,
“One day like a miracle, it’ll just disappear.”

“It’s just fifteen people,” lied the self-proclaimed hero,
“In a couple more days, it’ll be close to zero.”

“We’ve got plenty of tests!” claimed the spray-tanned ass-clown,
But, since no one prepared, there were few to be found.

Did that stop the Prez from creating more trauma?
“If I don’t like the facts, I can just blame Obama!”

So he kept right on Trumping and spreading his slander
And for no reason yelling at Pete Alexander.

And the Whos just ignored his ridiculous lies,
As they watched Dr. Fauci rolling his eyes.

For they knew, as they roamed past the bare Kroger shelves,
“We can’t count on him, so we must save ourselves.”

Folks had fled to the stores with a feverish urgency,
In weeks they’d be using toilet paper as currency.

Or maybe vice versa, since all of this hype
Made Whos get creative when needing to wipe.

“Stock up!” yelled the Whos while Purell-ing their cash
And raiding the stores for their cans of Who-Hash.

“This could last for months – maybe into next winter”
“I’ll trade you my car for that Hungry Man dinner.”

Then back to their houses for a frozen-food feast,
Or maybe to dine on a Door-Dashed roast beast.

If you had the ingredients, you could make Chicken Florentine,
But you only had oatmeal up in this self-quarantine.

The NBA canceled, as did other athletics,
And by day five, Whos had made it through all of Netflix.

But the Whos persevered, as Whos do in each instance,
They just did their Who-ing online and at distance.

They adapted with grace and occasional gripe,
And still held their Who-Happy-Hours by Skype.

Or, at least SOME Whos did – heeding pleas from lawmakers –
There are always some idiots and selfish spring breakers

Who think that their needs are more important than yours
So they’re willing to kill you while they “Jersey Shore”

Or go out to restaurants, visit their folks,
Ignore all the warnings, insist it’s a hoax.

“How can it be real, when I feel just fine?”
Newsflash: you can have it and still feel benign.

Meanwhile, you’re spreading it to a whole other crew,
But I guess you don’t care, ‘cuz those people ain’t you.

The rules aren’t that hard, but they’re vitally important:
Stay the hell home. Stop selfish hoarding.

Wash your hands many times, for longer than you’d think –
If it helps, sing a song while you scrub at the sink.

And don’t touch your face, though that’s hard not to do.
Cough into your elbow, not at other Whos.

Sanitize all your doorknobs, anything you might lick.
And the top rule of all is: Don’t be a dick.

We Whos will get through this – we just have to weather
The storm for a while as we all pull together.

Well, not literally together – you know what I mean –
The kind of together with space in between.

We’ll be here a while, in self-isolation,
So get comfy and try to pretend it’s vacation.

Stay home and help minimize the virus’ spread.
Catch up on those books that you still haven’t read.

Make peace with the fact it’ll be months, not weeks.
And for god’s sake, don’t listen when the President speaks.

We’re Whos, so by nature we abhor social distance.
But for now it’s the best way to make a huge difference.

Hang in there, my friends. May Amazon provide.
I’ll see all you Whos on the other side.

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Poems, Parodies Michael Colvin Poems, Parodies Michael Colvin

Ode on a Grecian Formula

A poet friend of mine said that she’d been "commissioned" to write an ode to David Hasselhoff. She asked if she could just outsource this one to me instead. The next 20 minutes produced the following…

A poet friend of mine said that she’d been "commissioned" to write an ode to David Hasselhoff. She asked if she could just outsource this one to me instead. The next 20 minutes produced the following…

Thou still untarnished Bavarian punchline,
  Thou drunken king of YouTube lore,
When hungry, best to skip the lunch line
  and eat a burger on the floor.
Too much to drink, you came to rest there,
  and at your daughter, bellowed meanly.
Quite shirtless to display your chest hair,
   Thou acted very Charlie Sheenly.

And still that fails to change the fact
  of your career’s resurgency.
Your reputation’s still intact
  with music fans in Germany.
A rockstar there. A hometown god!
  A mansion and your own chef.
I ask myself, “What are the odds
  that all Germans are tone deaf?”

I kid, of course. Though you’re a ham,
  I still revere the times
Thou conversed with a black Trans-Am
  whilst deftly solving crimes.
My fourth grade self was not so cool,
  so, to alleviate my plight,
I asked my homeroom class at school
  to call me Michael Knight.

Thou soon left KITT for sunnier days –
Thine maCHEESEmo fit right in there.
And guarding lives, thou Watched thine Bays
whilst sporting scarlet swimwear.
O ‘80s idol! Fair ‘90s clown! at whom
the multitudes doth scoff,
May Gott himself bring on them doom
who dare hassle the Hoff.

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