Cover Your Face, Ace
Act One, Song Two from
"Home-a-ton: A Quarantine Musical."
The year two thousand twenty. Hot Spot, U.S.
Pardon me. Y’mind coverin’ your face, ace?
What’d you say to me, libtard?
Give me space, ace
A mandatory ordinance is pretty basic, ace
That doesn’t apply to you?
I'm getting pissed off
We’re all in this together. Covering up your nose and mouth should be automatic since you can spread it even when not symptomatic, so, see? Not wearing one is a disgrace, ace. You know you’re hurting people?
You want a taste, ace?
I want you to care ‘bout others. This isn’t about you; be keeper of your brothers. You look at me like I’m a sucker. Did I stutter?
Why don’t you do it? Why refuse to wear a mask?
Because the virus is a hoax, if you must ask
You’re an idiot. Are you… illiterate?!
God, you’re inconsiderate
And worse, you’re just oblivious
To anyone else – it’s hideous
Can I say what I think?
Will you be nice?
While you lecture, let me offer you some free advice:
Shut. Up.
Butt. Out.
It’s not your business what I do with my mouth
You can't be serious
You wanna end up dead?
Well, the flag on my pickup says “Don’t tread”
Yo yo yo yo yo!
What time is it?
Who knows?!
[BURR]’s more spread...
Me time! Me time! Yo!
Drinkin’ in bars is the place to be!
I’ve infected two people and I’m workin’ on three, uh!
Those lab coats don't resonate with me!
Cuz I make uninformed decisions and claim that I’m free!
Hey, y’all! Didja’ call? It’s yer boy Lafayette!
Just gonna pretend that there’s no respiratory threat!
I’m havin’ a fiesta for my cousin’s third trimester
None of us are tested, but wanna infect
The rest of ya’
Brrraaah-choo! I am Hercules Mulligan
Your neighborhood republican – yes, I see your lungs are strugglin’
Not gonna wear a mask; it’s political – I’m critically
Unable to see I’m hypocritically parasitical…
This whole virus thing is blown out of proportion
Let's raise a couple more...
To self-absorption!
Well, if it ain't the spokesman of the anti-vaxxin’
Aaron Burr!
Give us some spin, start some waxin’!
Good luck with that: you enjoy your vaccine
I won’t be a part of the liberal machine
Burr, you’d turn down a vaccine? Man, the stupid is strong with you.
You’d waste your chance to help, Burr? What the hell’s wrong with you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Ooh, who is this kid, in the vaccine queue?