Redaction Poetry Submission for “Interference Volume”

The piece below was contributed to a project called “Interference Volume,” a collection of works created using the heavily redacted Bill Barr version of The Mueller Report. Each participant was randomly assigned a single page from the report, and instructed to further redact the page to create a piece of “redaction poetry.” As the project guidelines explained:

Interference Volume is a collaborative effort uniting poets, activists, writers, artists, educators, and outraged people of all ages from all walks of life in the transformation of the Attorney General Barr-redacted Mueller Report (in its entirety!) into a volume of “redaction poetry.” We will use the basic tool of obstruction, obfuscation, and disinformation—the redactor’s black bar—to create acts of resistance, satire, anguish, and beauty.

The piece below also was included in an art installation of the project at The Carole Calo Gallery at Stonehill College.


The assigned page as it appeared originally…


August 4, 2019


Ode on a Grecian Formula